Tuesday 3 June 2014

Carlton Marsh

Recent insect sightings included Brown Argus 1, Broad Bodied Chaser male, Red Admiral 1, Dingy Skipper 13 and Large Skipper 2 on June 1st. (Chris Parkin)

Today June 3rd
3 Buzzards circled above as 3 old Crows that included Russ Boland, Chris Parkin and me, digging and reducing one of the smaller islands. The hope is to create enough muddy/bare habitat to entice waders to return on autumn passage, a type of habitat we haven't had for some years.

This beetle appeared in a house in Cudworth last night, is it the Larder Beetle? (Dermestes lardaria)   One for Oxycera to identify I think.


oxycera said...

Hi Ciiff

Looks like Creophilus maxillosus,
only the second Barnsley record.


Cliff Gorman said...

Thanks John. It was found by Chris Parkin in his home on Barnsley Rd Cudworth last night