Monday 5 November 2012

Vis. mig.

Harden Quarries
Time: 07:00-08:20hrs.
Observer: Mick Cunningham.
Direction: all SW unless stated otherwise.
Greylag Goose - 2 W, Common Buzzard - 1 W, Peregrine Falcon - 1 W, Lesser Black-backed Gull - 12 NE, Woodpigeon - 1706 W/SW, Fieldfare, 33 W, Redwing - 9 W, Raven - 1 S, Starling - 161 W, Chaffinch - 10, Greeninch - 4, Goldfinch - 7, Siskin - 1, Lesser Eedpoll - 1, Common Crossbill - 1, Bullfinch - 1 and Reed Bunting - 2.

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