Saturday 3 November 2012

Wintersett Saturday 3 November

Another very good day here at the Res;- Egyptian Goose 3 on the CP, American Wigeon the drake started the day on the Botany before moving to the CP for the rest of the day, Wigeon 105, Pintail 1CP, Shoveler 73, Goldeneye 37, Scaup 1juv started the day on the Botany before moving to the low lake and ending the day on the CP, Common Scoter 1 juv CP, Goosander 9, Gadwall 115, Great Crested Grebe 58, Snipe 11, and in the gull roost this evening;- Yellow-legged 2, Herring 136, LBB 113, GBB 9.
And the morning vis-mig from the hill produced;-  Pink-feet 460 in 5 skeins, Merlin 1, Wood Pigeon 4455 south, Fieldfare 1155 south-west, Redwing 376 s-w, Starling 1100 west, and Brambling 10 west as the highlights.

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