Monday 5 November 2012

Wintersett Whoo-hoops 05.11.12

Whoo  hoo!   Another brilliant day here - Cold but sunny
Wintersett Highlight today was a group of 19  WHOOPER SWANS (3 juvs) that flew over very high before circling back and dropping in at 11.00 hrs.
Anglers Highlights today were a juv. GLAUCOUS GULL that flew over SW at 08.47 hrs and the return of the 1st winter CASPIAN GULL in the roost at 16.38 hrs.
All the goodies were still here. Drake  American Wigeon  and juv. Scaup on Botany.  Juv. Common Scoter and 3 Egyptian Geese on Anglers
+  Water Rail 2ACP + 1WRes, Chiffchaff 1, Buzzard 3 over Haw Park Wood, Tawny Owl on Haw Park Lane. Teal 3 and Grey Heron 3 on CHRes.   Also flying over WRes reeds were a Small Tortoiseshell and a Migrant Hawker
And as if that wasn't enough -
Vis Miggers saw: Wood Pigeon 9600 S,  Stock Dove 27 S, Fieldfare 230 W/SW,  Redwing 62 W/SW Crossbill 1 W  at 08.02 + 2 more at 11.57,   Brambling 2W and Merlin 1 S at 09.30hrs.

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