Tuesday 2 April 2013

Adrift up the Little Don 01/04/13

Highlights from Langsett/ Little Don yesterday - Crossbill 1, Oystercatcher 4, Raven 10 +, Peregrine 1, Merlin 1, Buzzard 2, Jack Snipe 1, Woodcock 2, Dipper 1.

29/03 - (per. M. Linnington) A Rough-legged Buzzard was seen being mobbed by 2 Buzzard over Harden Moor, and then flew north over Langsett Moor which later headed north-east. It was seen at close range and showed all the characters of this species including the belly patch and a distinct bold terminal band on the white tail. Also 10+ Raven and Peregrine seen on this date.


  1. Where was the Jack Snipe Carl?

  2. It was quite a way up the Little Don. Past the last of the scattered trees. It was certainly unexpected!


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