Monday 1 April 2013

April Fool?

Okay, so I admit it, during periods of wifi on our recent Southeast Asia trip we did snigger a bit when reading about March snow in Barnsley on this very blog. At least we knew by the time we returned the bitter weather would be long gone and the floodgates of spring migration would be open. But it hasn't and they haven't. Justice? I guess you have to be here to appreciate just how bad it is (or was) and even an email I received from Mick Turton which roughly (and politely) translated said "cold here and not very good" did not prepare me. The first thing that struck me was that there were no leaves on the trees. And despite Mick having shown me a photo of a snow covered Brierley Common taken during the peak snowfall I was still quite shocked to see huge piles of the 'white stuff' at the side of the minor roads during my drives to call out jobs. Who needs central heating in April anyway! Okay, enough moaning - Birds!

A quick check of Manvers Lake where 5 Great Crested Grebes were displaying. Why? (whoops sorry!). On to Broomhill Flash where the birds seemed more appropriate: 3 Pink-footed Geese, 70 Wigeon, 8+ Goldeneye almost gave a winter feel.............. And finally a chilling evening visit onto Wombwell Ings where birds included 2 Shelduck, c150 Wigeon, 6 Redshank, Ringed Plover and 7 Little Ringed Plover that must have wondered why on earth they had come back here. Mmmmm!

Other news: Bittern, 2 Med' Gulls still at Old Moor. 12 Waxwings yesterday in Barnsley at Sparrow Park, Town End. And don't ever pull me about inappropriate naming of that hide on Bolton again!

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