Tuesday 9 April 2013

Double Dip Depression Wintersett 08.04.13

Don't mention Crane Pain around here!
Yesterday we had a call from Pugneys that they had a Common Crane flying over and then west from them at around 11.00am.   We  had failed to pick it up because we must have been between Anglers and Wintersett Res with no long views.   I can't write here what was said - you'll just have to use your imaginations!
Then it got worse:
At 17.00hrs a call from Mick alerted two of the regulars to a Crane coming our way. They were on the scene within a few minutes, but to no avail.  I can only imagine what was said on the second dip because I hadn't been alerted,  due to someone not realising they had run out of credit on their phone and then later blaming me for not answering the call!
Double Dip depression all round. 
The only good thing to come out of this was that 2 Sand Martins and the first Swallow of Spring were seen, (but not by me), off the north bank of Wintersett Res. at 18.00hrs.

1 comment:

  1. who on earth would be so tight as to run out of credit on their phone I wonder?


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