Tuesday 16 April 2013

Med' my day!

A passing visit to Elsecar Res this morning threw up a nice surprise in the form of an adult Med' Gull. It was mostly sat on the water but when seen in flight didn't appear to be ringed though I can't be 100% sure. Although Med' Gull should have occurred at this site before being not far from Old Moor I can't remember seeing or hearing of one. Also checked with local recording stalwart Dave Pearce who didn't know of any previous records whilst Ivan Martin said it had not occurred there in his time! Anyone know different?

Other news:

Wombwell Ings: Swift

Edderthorpe: 8 Avocet

45 Waxwings, Blenheim Ave, Barnsley early afternoon (Dave Standring)

Ewden Brow: male Redstart, 2 Brambling (Dave Pearce).

Netherwood CP. Redstart


Upland Tyke said...

cant believe that ivan hasent claimed that on there.

Martin Wells said...

First there to my knowledge.