Tuesday 9 April 2013

Wintersett 09.04.13

Cold north wind, mainly overcast this morning but became sunnier in the afternoon.
Anglers CP:  Redwing 16 N,  3rd W Yellow-legged Gull,  Lesser Black-backed Gull 1 adult,  female Long-tailed Duck,  Redshank 3,  Wigeon 110,  Siskin 2 over, Goosander 1 male and 2 redheads. Meadow Pipit 20 in field + 28 in ruin field.
Pol: Water Rail 1
Haw Park Wood: Lesser Redpoll 2
Cold Hiendley Res: Gadwall 7 male and 4 female.
Old Royston Flash: Pink-footed Goose 1.
Vis Mig: 10.45 - 12.00  Nothing of note.

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