Saturday 13 April 2013

Wintersett a.m Welcome back 13.04.13

Much milder, lots of blue sky and sunshine early on but cloud moved in slowly, 10 degrees by midday.
Welcome Back Hirundines: Sand Martin  10 WRes + 14 ACP,   House Martin 1 WRes  + 2 ACP,  Swallow 2 N
Welcome Firsts for the year:  2 male Blackcap  WRes,   Willow Warbler 1 WRes + 1 Pol.
Overs and around Anglers Hill: Highlight this morning was a cream crown MARSH HARRIER  that flew in from the North and left SE  11.15 - 11.23.  Golden Plover 12N,  Redwing 48,  Buzzard 8,  Curlew 1 N, Siskin 1.
C/C Marsh Harrier                      P Meredith

Also at Anglers CP : Female Long-tailed Duck,  3rd W Yellow-legged Gull,  3rd W Lesser Black-backed Gull, Redshank 1,  Snipe 2
Wintersett Res: Teal 8,  Redpoll 1, Green Woodpecker 1,  Little Owl 1.
Cold Hiendley Res:  Common Scoter 1 female.
Disposal Point: Woodcock 1.
Old Royston Flash: Pink-footed Goose 1.
Butterflies:  Peacock 2 on Disposal Point.
Heyup, what's this? of the day was a small BAT  feeding on midges in the sunshine at the side of the Vis. Mig. point from 11.38 - 11.52hrs.   ID anyone?
 Bat                      P Meredith
  Bat                       P Meredith


Nattereri said...

The bat is a Noctule

ASmith said...

Thank you. It was certainly enjoying the midges this morning.