Friday 12 April 2013

Tern for the better. -Wintersett 12.04.13

4 degrees,  foggy and damp all morning.  Brightening and clearing later.
Highlight today was an ARCTIC  TERN on Wintersett/Cold Hiendley  Reservoirs  during the early afternoon.
Wintersett Res: A pair of Common Scoter, 6  Sand Martin and a  Swallow were here and,surprisingly, 11 Wigeon .
Anglers CP:  Female Long-tailed Duck still here.  Redwing 300 - an unprecedented number for this late date.  Siskin 1 over,  Snipe 3 and drake Shoveler 1.  A Curlew flew SE.  
Pol: Jack Snipe
Walton Hall: 3rd W Yellow-legged Gull and 3rd W Lesser Black-backed Gull,  Greylag 2 sitting,  Canada Goose 3 sitting,  Cormorant 3 in trees + 4 ACP.
Stubbs Wood:  Nuthatch 1 pair.
Haw Park Wood: Crossbill 6.
ORF: Little Ringed Plover 1,  Pink-footed  Goose 1, 7 Teal and  1 Swallow.

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