Thursday 9 May 2013

Wintersett 09.05.13

Cloudy,  cool with a gusty westerly breeze.  Light showers in the afternoon. 
Walton Hall:  Barnacle Goose 1 and  Pink-footed Goose 1.   A  CUCKOO was heard on the Golf course. 3 broods of very small Mallard 7 + 3 + 1.   
Cold Hiendley Res: Siskin 1 over.
Haw Park Canal: Goldcrest 1 male
Anglers CP:  Dunlin 1 and Common Sandpiper 1.   The drake Lesser Scaup was performing very close to the south bank early this morning.   The following photos were taken yesterday evening.

Drake Lesser Scaup                                 P Meredith

Drake Lesser Scaup                                       P Meredith

Drake Lesser Scaup                                   P Meredith

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