Thursday 4 July 2013

Old Moor - Late Shift

Just got home from Old Moor, main highlights being Little Egret 3 roosting on Willow Pool, Med Gull 1 adult, Teal 47, Green Sandpiper 1 and Barn Owl 1. The breeding birds are really in evidence now and included the following - Gadwall 15 broods (5+2+11+5+7+3+12+8+2+4+9+6+6+4+3), Tufted Duck 7 broods (9+6+5+4+4+2+1), Pochard 2 broods (3+2). All the broods are on the Main Marsh/Willow Pool apart from 5 broods of Gadwall on the Mere, interestingly no broods of Tufteds on the Mere yet. I counted 10 Avocet chicks on the Wader Scrape plus at least 10 adults and the pair of Oystercatchers still have their 3 chicks, an additional 6 Oystercatchers flew onto the Wader Scrape late on.

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