Monday 1 July 2013

Wintersett 01.07.13

Warm 16°C,  cloudy with a westerly breeze this morning, sunny this afternoon.
Wintersett Res:  Grasshopper Warbler 1♂.
Anglers CP:  Pochard 2 + 4 WREs,  Oystercatcher  4 adults and 2 + 1  all fledged young and 1 adult WRes.,  Little Ringed Plover 1 juv.,  Common Sandpiper 1,   Nuthatch 1,  Common Tern 2,  Goldeye 1♀,  Teal 1♂,
Canada Goslings 1 fledged + 3 large + 2 medium and 3 broods of Mallard 2 + 2  + 3.

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