Monday 3 March 2014

Wintersett 03.03.13

2°C rising to 8°C by midday.  Cool, bright and sunny.  Clear and cold at 17.00hrs.
Anglers CP: Cormorant 34,  Wigeon 205, Goldeneye 21, Goosander 18,  Gadwall 12,   Teal 6,  Pochard 14 + 4 WRes.,   Siskin 1 and  Water Rail 2 on Pol.  The usual adult Yellow-legged Gull came in at 11.45hrs.
Haw Park Wood:  Crossbill 2 male and 4 female.
Cold Hiendley:  A Peacock butterfly was seen.
The Gull Roosts  were poor tonight, with low numbers of birds dropping in late afternoon. They were very unsettled and there were dreads all night and birds flying between  Anglers CP and Wintersett Res .
The only bird of note was the adult Yellow-legged Gull, which returned to ACP at 17.05hrs.
A late dash to Wintersett Res found the birds there clustered closely together and a further dread with some big gulls dropping in after dark.  
The evening was saved by the sight of 6 Whoopers Swan flying NW over WRes at 18.10hrs.  and 2 Woodcock flying over towards Cold Hiendley Res at dark.

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