Sunday 1 January 2017

Newmillerdam - 1 January 2017

Much warmer today with all the ice on the lake now gone and the water channels brown with silty water following the morning's rain. Nice to start the new year with a personal best of 39 species.

Black-headed gull, blue tit, Canada goose, chaffinch, coot, feral pigeon, goldfinch, great crested grebe (3), greenfinch, grey wagtail, jackdaw, kingfisher (2), long-tailed tit, mallard, moorhen, pheasant, redwing (2), song thrush, tufted duck, wren, blackbird, buzzard, carrion crow, collared dove, dunnock, goldcrest, goosander (4), great tit, grey heron, house sparrow, kestrel, little grebe (1), magpie, mistle thrush, mute swan, pied wagtail, robin, starling, woodpigeon.

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