Tuesday 15 May 2018

Wintersett 15.05.18

10 - 15 degrees, sunny with 2/8 cloud and a light north westerly.
Anglers CP: A Red Kite was circling to the north at 09.30hrs.  Oystercatcher 3 young.
Wintersett Res: Common Tern 1.  4m Cetti's Warblers - east bank, west bank, ruin and 1 alarming at Botany Road.
Old Royston Flash: Red-legged Partridge 2.  Grey Partridge 1.  Yellow Wagtail 1. Lapwing 2. Mallard 8 young + 8 small/medium young WRes..
Lepidoptera: A Holly Blue was on the west bank WRes..
Odonata: Azure Damselfly 1 west bank WRes..

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