Monday 5 November 2018

Wintersett + Ringing 05.11.18

9 - 11 degrees with  8/8 cloud,  foggy patches  and a light south easterly.
Anglers CP: A Brambling flew west.  Siskin 4.  Golden Plover 12 over.  Flocks of Starlings and Thrushes were moving west through the fog.
Wintersett Res: Kingfisher 1.  Cetti's Warbler 1 south east corner.
68 birds were ringed: Highlights were - 41 Lesser Redpoll,   18 Goldfinch,  1 Siskin,   1 Goldcrest 2 Redwing and 1 Song Thrush.

                Siskin                   ACP   ASmith

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