Monday 12 November 2018

Wintersett + Vis.Mig. + Ringing 11.11.18

9 - 12 degrees,  dull and damp, with 8/8 cloud and a light southerly.
Anglers CP Vis.Mig: 
Going south: Stock Dove 4. Fieldfare 160.  Redwing 162.  Mistle Thrush 1.  Meadow Pipit 3.   Chaffinch 22 south + 16 west. Siskin 3. 
Going east: Pink-footed Goose 35 at 10.28hrs.  Golden Plover 1.
Going west: Greenfinch 2.  Goldfinch 18
Going north west: Rock/Water Pipit at 09.30hrs.
Going west north west:  Starling  50.
49 Birds were ringed:  Common Redpoll 2.  Lesser Redpoll 33.  Goldfinch 6.  Redwing 3.  Blackbird 2.

Common Redpoll         ACP  RBailey
Common Redpoll         ACP   RBailey

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