Friday 9 December 2022

Wintersett + Gull Roost 09.12.2022

 Minus 3 degrees  this  morning:  

1% ice Anglers CP,  5% ice Wintersett Res and 5% ice Cold Hiendley Res.

Wintersett Res:

A Water Rail was on the north bank and another was in the south west corner.

Little Grebe 6.  Goosander 4.

Wintersett Res. Gull Roost - @StevieD131

They’re here at last!  After struggling to get just 100 Herring Gulls in the roost in recent weeks,
We have 1020 in  roost tonight with many more going straight over to the Country Park.
Still only 8 Great Black-backeds but probably more on ACP.   
2 Water Rails and 2 Cetti's Warblers SW WRes.

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