Sunday 16 April 2023

Wintersett + Ringing 16.04.2023

Anglers CP Feeding Station:

A male  Brambling was on the feeders this morning - Ian Allard.

Anglers CP Hill  06.30 to12.00hrs.:  Per @fitzybirder

Going north:  Sand Martin 37.  

Going north west: Meadow Pipit 5.  Shelduck 1.

Going north east: 2 adult Mediterranean Gulls

Going south:  A Red Kite at 11.55hrs

A minimum of 18 Buzzards were up  at 11.30hrs.

Also a 1stW Med.Gull type was in briefly, twice, but didn't look quite right

It may or may not prove to be a hybrid on better views.

A Whimbrel flew north 12.15hrs. 

A Grass Snake was on the hill.

19 new birds were  ringed  at Wintersett: Pete Smith, Becky Bailey.

Highlights of 1 Song Thrush, 3 Willow Warbler,  2 Chiffchaff,  

2 Reed Bunting,  1 Blackcap and 1 male Cettis Warbler (R Bailey photo below)


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