Friday 5 July 2024

Carlton Marsh & Cudworth Common

Carlton Marsh
The Yorkshire in Bloom judge was given a guided tour this morning. Little Egret, Emperor, Southern Hawker and Brown Hawker dragonflies were abroad.
Ferrymoor Flash
Great Crested Grebe, 2 Sand Martins and Oystercatcher.

A Red Kite was reported over Barnsley Road at around 10.30hrs (Steve Milner) and a Peregrine made a stoop over the Newtown estate around 11.30hrs (Les Corrall).

Littleworth Park - Monk Bretton
Butterflies included 2 from a new brood of Comma, 465 Meadow Brown, 308 Ringlet, 5 Gatekeeper, 122 Small Skipper and 12 Small Heath (Chris Parkin).

Wintersett 05.07.2024

Wintersett Res:

Kingfisher 1.

Anglers CP:

A Little Egret was in the shallows.

Common Tern 5 + 5 WRes..

Lepidoptera: ACP

A large  Skipper,  a Gatekeeper,   and a female Brimstone, 

were seen at ACP.   2 White-letter Hairstreak were seen on Haw Park Lane.

Stubbs Wall Field:

Lapwing 1 adult + 2 small/medium young.

Walton Hall:

Great Crested Grebe 1 large young + 2 small/medium young. 

Thursday 4 July 2024

Carlton Marsh

A Common Tern visited the scrape staying for around 45 minutes (our 2nd this year) (L & A Corrall/CG et al).

Also present Kingfisher, LBB Gull and Grey Wagtail.

Wintersett 04.07.2024

Wintersett Res:

A Redshank was on the boathouse slipway.  Teal 2.  

A young Cetti's Warbler brood fledged at the boathouse bench.

Common Tern 6.   Oystercatcher 5.   Grey Wagtail 1.

Anglers CP: 

The 3rd summer Lesser Black-backed Gull

took a Black-headed Gull chick from the islands this morning.


Large Skipper 1 ACP. 


Red-eyed Damselfly 2 males on Botany Bay.

Wednesday 3 July 2024

Wintersett 03.07.2024

Anglers CP: 

Teal 1 male.   Grey Wagtail 1.  Oystercatcher 3.

Common Tern 4  (1adult + 1 1st summer)

A Yellow Wagtail was in the Pol Field.

A Barn Owl was flying over at 14.30hrs.  

A Lesser Black-backed Gull took 2 Black-headed Gull chicks.

Wintersett Res:

Tufted Duck 11 young WRes. + 5 young ACP, + 6 young ACP.

Goldeneye 1 female.   Common Tern 12.

Gadwall 4.  Lesser Whitethroat  1 male on north east bank.

Cold Hiendley Res. 

Mallard 5 young fledged + 2  large fledged young Botany Bay.

Tuesday 2 July 2024

Wintersett Ringing 03.07.2024

Wintersett Res:

43 birds were ringed at Wintersett today by Pete Smith, despite when rain delayed start.

Highlights were:  Chiffchaffs 13,  Willow Warbler 7,  Blackcap 3, 

Whitethroat 1,  Sedge Warbler 4 and Reed Warbler 6.

A Water Rail was in the west bank marsh. 

Monday 1 July 2024

Wintersett 1st July 2024

Wintersett Res:

Common Scoter 1 male.  + 1 female ACP.   Hobby 1.   

Anglers CP:

A Curlew flew south.   3 very small Lapwing in Pol Field.

5 very small young Tufted Ducks were in the shallows.

Common Tern 3, including a 1st summer bird.

Sand Martin 200.   Oystercatcher 2.  

Mallard young:  2 fledged + 2 fledged + 2 small young.

House Martin 50.