Wednesday 6 June 2012

Wintersett 06.06.12

Anglers CP - Common Tern 5
Walton Hall - Gadwall 1 male and 1 female, Mute Swan with 4 cygnets
Wintersett Res - A new brood of 5 Mute Swan cygnets
Highlight today was a QUAIL singing in fields south of Cold Hiendley village.
(Thanks to Ivan for initial report.)
Also found was a longhorn beetle north of its usual range.   (Thanks forcomments -  I stand corrected)

Agapanthia Villosoviridescens


  1. Agapanthia is common enough around Barnsley these days.

  2. I also received this info. from Mike Denton
    Agapanthia villosoviridescens. This is the second record from the Wintersett area (see the Wintersett Report for 2008 pages 11/12). Originally confined to southern Britain, the species has expanded its range northwards during the last decade and is now fairly widely distributed in Yorkshire – in 2010 I even found it at Blackmoorfoot at 850 feet a.s.l.


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