Friday 20 July 2012

A happening day

An evening visit to take another look at the phalarope. The highlights up to 7.15pm: 3 Little Egrets, Hobby (flashed-through this evening and also seen in afternoon), Turnstone (late aft), Black-t Godwit, Grey Phalarope still on Mere but generally distant.3 Arctic Terns. A Little Gull also visited this afternoon. 

Another shot of the Grey Phalarope - Keith Pickering. There have been about a dozen previous records in the Barnsley area, including four from our patch. All previous Barnsley records relate to the expected late autumn period of September - November. Summer birds are not unheard of in inland Yorkshire however, and several have occurred  in West Yorkshire in the last couple of decades.

One of at least three Arctic Terns present today Keith Pickering. Arctic Terns have clearly been on the move this week.

A heavily moulting Little Gull at Old Moor today Keith Pickering. I have not received any details on what time this bird was seen but assuming Keith's camera time is set correct this photo was taken at 1.15 pm and would seem likely to be the bird that flew this way from Wintersett/Anglers around 30 minutes earlier. Anyone from there care to comment?  


  1. Another fantastic day at Old Moor today. 14 species of wader reported today but I can only count 13, Lapwing, Oystercatcher, Redshank, Black Tailed Godwit, Green Sandpiper, Common Sandpiper, Dunlin, Sanderling, Turnstone, Whimbrel, Little Ringed Plover, Ringed Plover and of course Grey Phalarope. What have I missed, perhaps Greenshank, Curlew or Snipe? Also seen tonight Common Gull on mere and 3 Wigeon on Main Marsh.

  2. Both Snipe and Greenshank were reported today making 15 species of wader!!!

  3. And Curlew too Nigel, that's 16 and reinforces my view that July is nowadays very much a top month for wader passage. Now top that!

  4. The Little Gull looks like the same bird from Wintersett - Pete Smith


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