Wednesday 15 August 2012

Wintersett 15.08.12

A warm morning with south easterly to easterly winds before rain showers from mid afternoon. A good day for Vis. Mig.
Anglers CP: Tree Pipit 1 south at 06.05hrs,  Knot 1 over, calling  06.25,  Green Sandpiper 1 north 06.40, Yellow Wag 3 south,  Snipe 1 north and 1 south east, Greenshank 4 south 08.40,  Golden Plover 1 east 09.20, Heron 5 over,  Wigeon 5 flew in from east 10.10, Black-tailed Godwit 1 in summer plumage flew south east 10.38,  Peregrine 1 juv. south east 13.05,  Yellow-legged  Gull 1 dropped in 13.35 and left north 13.41 hrs.
Also present: Shoveler 13, Gadwall 6, Pochard 5,  Teal 2, Common Tern 2, Green Woodpecker 1 juv., Buzzard 9.
Wintersett Res: Swift 1, Common Sandpiper 1, Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult 12.00hrs.  Also a Holly Blue was egg laying on ivy SE corner.
Moth trapping last night produced: Fen Wainscot,  Brown-veined Wainscot,  Crescent,  Dusky Thorn, Dingy Footman and White Satin

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