Sunday 23 December 2012

Bolton Ings - 23rd December

Very mild this morning at 9c but with a gale force wind it didnt feel very mild. As expected the water level is very high with the 2 main pools nearly joined up. Because of the wind counting was very difficult because the birds were seeking shelter in the reeds/rushes. Highlights today were Green Sandpiper on the flooded grass and a couple of Redshank. Duck numbers were generally low but 35 Pochard were out. Full list :- Grey Heron 1, Mute Swan 8, Canada Goose 78, Grey Lag Goose 1, Cormorant 3, Little Grebe 2, Mallard 73, Teal 5, Gadwall 86, Shoveler 12, Shelduck 1, Tufted Duck 20, Pochard 35, Goldeneye 2, Goosander 2, Coot 183, Moorhen 1, Lapwing 82, Redshank 2, Green Sandpiper 1, Black Headed Gull 44, Common Gull 4, Kestrel 1, Green Woodpecker 1, Great Spotted Woodpecker 1.

On the way home there were 18 Waxwings at the Meadows pub/hotel.

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