Tuesday 19 March 2013

Wintersett Ringing Recoveries 19.03.13

per Pete Smith.
Just received some recoveries from last autumn that show how quickly some of our birds move on autumn migration.
A first year Sand  Martin,  ringed at Wintersett Res. on 26th August 2012,  was recaught at Icklesham (East Sussex) on 31st August 2012,  a  distance of 334kms,  SSE in  5 days.
A first year Willow  Warbler, ringed at Eshton Tarn (North Yorks.) on 10th August 2012,  was recaught at Wintersett Res. on 15th August 2012,  a distance of 63kms SE in 5 days.
A first year Lesser  Redpoll,  ringed at Wintersett Res. on 6th October 2012,  was recaught at Eccles-on-Sea (Norfolk) on 20th October 2012, a distance of 220kms  ESE in 14 days.

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