Saturday 27 April 2013

Lesser Redpoll at Green Moor 27-04-13

A Lesser Redpoll fest today with at least 20+ birds in the garden. Two Willow Tits, 1 Yellowhammer and a single male Siskin. At least three different Redpoll had rings as you can see. Someone might be able to give me information on this...hopefully??


  1. Sorry Peter not enough numbers showing D35 and looks like 12. There should be 6 nummbers afer the D.

    One of our Barnsley ringers may be able to help you fill the gaps if they have ringed it.
    Failing that the BTO might be able to help. Was this the same bird as you mentioned 3 ringed ones?

  2. Thanks Cliff, David Williams of SBRG has picked this up and I have sent him a few further shots. I believed there were three different birds in the ones posted. David certainly thinks the middle one is a Foreigner, possibly Belgian. After looking at another shot we have 5 of the seven digits.
    No doubt I will back out trying to get the other two!


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