Saturday 27 April 2013

Wintersett Double date

Thursdays Wood Warbler was relocated by the boathouse on Friday and was singing strongly there again today, although on both days it had packed in for the day by around 8 o’clock. There were new male Groppers reeling on the Pol and the west bank of Wintersett reservoir yesterday and today respectively. A Garden Warbler was new for the year yesterday by Wintersett res, bringing the day total of warblers to 10 species, which is something of an event. The male Whinchat is still in the Country Park fields today. A Whimbrel was also there yesterday, with an Arctic Tern on Wintersett res and a Snipe on the Country Park.

Today the other highlights were 50 Sand Martins, 150 Swallows and 30 House Martins. 50 Linnets were on the north bank of Wintersett res, with 11 Goldeneye there and a pair of Shoveler there. A Nuthatch was also seen in the Willow Wood by the boathouse.

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