Sunday 12 May 2013

Wintersett WeBS count and update. 12.05.13

WeBS: Mute Swan 11,  Greylag Goose 2,  Coot 80,  Moorhen  10,  Great Crested Grebe 12,  Little Grebe 2,  Mallard 33,  Gadwall  24,  Tufted Duck  67  and Cormorant 1.
Wintersett Res:   Grasshopper Warbler 1 and  Swift - a  grand total of 1300 in the area.
Anglers CP:  Common Sandpiper 1,  Common Tern 2,  Oystercatcher 4.  The Yellow-legged egg thief and Lesser Black-backed  3rd Summer Gulls were back together again.
Walton Hall:  A calling Cuckoo was heard in Grotto Wood.

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