Sunday 23 June 2013

Bolton Ings et al - June 23rd

Weather this morning was blustery, cool and wet at times but brightened up this afternoon and was quite warm when sun came out. Viewing was difficult in the strong winds with many of the birds keeping low and hard to see, a typical webs count day. Plenty of Swifts and Martins today, the first brood of Tufteds and 5 broods of Pochard seen. The first pair of Oystercatchers have 2 flying young now and the single Lapwing seen again for the second week running. Full list :- Grey Heron 2, Mute Swan 5 adults + broods of 4 and 2, Canada Goose 45 + 27y, Grey Lag Goose 14 + 18y, Cormorant 7, Great Crested Grebe 6, Little Grebe 9 + broods of 1 and 1, Mallard 31, Gadwall 17 + broods of 11 and 7, Shoveler 1 female, Tufted Duck 93 + brood of 6, Pochard 17 drakes, 1 female + broods of 11, 6, 6, 5 and 1, Coot 84 + 22 pairs + 49 chicks, Moorhen 7 + broods of 2 and 1, Lapwing 1, Oystercatcher 4 + 2y, Redshank 1, Little Ringed Plover 1, Black Headed Gull 291, LBB Gull 1, Common Gull 1, Buzzard 1, Kestrel 1, Swift c500, House Martin c50, Sand Martin c30, Grey Wagtail 1, Kingfisher 1+, Sedge Warbler 3, Reed Warbler 2, Willow Warbler 3, Chiffchaff 5, Blackcap 5, Whitethroat 3.

An Osprey flew over Old Moor about lunchtime while I was on Bolton and despite a phone call I couldnt pick it up, cheers for call Jeff.

Ventured onto Old Moor in the afternoon, only went as far as the Mere hide and saw a Peregrine over, the adult male Med Gull and the female Bittern on the Reedbeds. A couple of Med Gulls were on the Wader Scrape where there are now 5 broods of Avocets including a new brood of 4 and a brood of 3 Oystercatchers.

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