Sunday 23 June 2013

Broomhill Flash

A bright start to the morning but it didn't last too long and with the strong westerly's as well a lot of birds kept their heads down. Here's the webs count for today.

Lapwing 4 + 1 young,
Ringed Plover 1,
Grey Heron 1.

Tufted Duck 16,
Mallard 4,
Gadwall 3,
Pochard 1♀+5 duckling,
Mute Swan 1,
Little Grebe 4 + 2 Young,
Moorhen 3,
Coot 49 + 4 Juvenile,
Canada Goose 53,
Lesser Black-backed Gull 1.

Swift c200,
House Martin c6
Skylark 2,
Reed Bunting 4,
Goldfinch 2.

Red-legged Partridge 2,
Kestrel 1,
Osprey 1.

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