Thursday 20 June 2013

Wintersett 20.06.13

13°C, humid, cloudy with some short light drizzly spells.  Very very quiet.
Anglers CP:  Teal 1♂,  Common Tern 1,  Yellow Wagtail  1 + 4 CH field.
Wintersett Res:  The first Painted Lady of the year was on the west bank.
Many thanks to Lynz Harston for the following Cormorant and Meadow Pipit  pictures taken today.


  1. Hi Ange, Ralph and me visited this morning, didn't see much except Goldeneye female, Goldcrest 1 singing in Haw Park wood yard and 10 Tree Bees on Dog Rose opposite the northen entrance to the Poll. There was another on Dog Rose on the path round to the top Res. They are all over the place now, which is really good.

  2. Hi Cliff, thanks for confirmation of the Tree Bees, Presume this is the first record for the Wintersett area

  3. Thanks Cliff. I have searched them out today (21.06.13), too fast for me to photograph though.


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