Monday 24 June 2013

Wintersett 24.06.13

Cool 10°C,  overcast and still until late morning, then strengthening westerly wind. Sunny and warm by mid afternoon.
Anglers CP:  Common Tern 6,  Goldeneye 1♀,  Teal ♂,   Oystercatcher 4 adults and 1 fledged + 2 large young.  Yellow Wagtail 2.
Cold Hiendley Res: Mallard brood of 3 large young.
Walton Hall: Great Crested Grebe sitting.
Also flying:  Since the Carlton Dream Team alerted us to the presence of Tree Bees at Anglers CP we have seen them all around the area.  These were at Walton Hall today. Also there were 2 Chimney Sweeper moths.  For more information on Tree Bees click on the link.
Tree  Bee    Bombus hypnorum                            A Smith     

Tree  Bee        Bombus hypnorum                                    A Smith

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