Monday 27 January 2014

Broomhill Flash/TPT/Bolton Ings

A nice change to be out today with suffering a tore muscle in my left shoulder, with a few year ticks to boot!

Anyway here's todays sightings.

Broomhill Flash.

Snipe 2,
Grey Heron 1.

Gadwall 72,
Wigeon 2,
Mallard 2,
Teal 10,
Cormorant 2,
Tufted Duck 5,
Canada Goose c25,
Mute Swan 9 including 4 juvenile,
Common Gull 3,
Kingfisher 1.

Red-legged Partridge 6.

Kestrel 2,
Sparrowhawk 1.

Trans Pennine Trail.

Redpoll c20,
Redwing c20.

Bolton Ings.

Oystercatcher 1,
Grey Heron 1,
Lapwing 60+.
Mute Swan 4 (including 2 juvenile),
Pochard 4♂ & 2♀,
Goldeneye 2♂ & 2♀,
Mallard 11,
Teal 7,
Wigeon 2,
Tufted Duck 7,
Great-crested Grebe 2 (including 1 juvenile),
Common Gull 2,
Canada Goose 19,
Greylag Goose 2,
Cormorant 1.

Jay 2.

Peregrine Falcon 1♀,
Common Buzzard 1,
Kestrel 1.

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