Thursday 10 July 2014

The Edge 10th July

Wombwell Ings - Highlight of the day were 4 Wood Sandpiper which were present for a couple of hours before leaving at 11.45am when a Hobby flew overhead. The impressive sight of 17 Common Sandpipers landing at 11.52am rounded off a good morning's birdwatching on the Ings. Also present were 2 Grey Heron, 8 Mute Swan, 2a+2y Greylag, 32 Gadwall, 1a+6y Shoveler, 1 Teal, 40+ Lapwing, 5 Ringed Plover, 1 Little Ringed Plover, 1 Kestrel, 10+ Pied Wagtail and 8 Linnet.

Broomhill Flash(per J.Seeviour) Noted were 16 Little Grebe, 1 Black Necked Grebe, 3 Mute Swan+2 cygnets, 15 Tufted Duck. 10 Gadwall and 2 Pochard. The Little Owl was on the top lane (J.Thompson).

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