Saturday 4 October 2014

Wintersett 04.10.14

A cool 6°C with rain, although not as heavy as predicted, and a light westerly.  Dry by 11.00 with good visibility.
Anglers CP Vis Mig: The first autumn flock of 31 Redwing flew west
Anglers CP:  A Ruff flew onto the shallows briefly at 11.30hrs.  4 Pintail  and 2 Goosander were present. Swallow 8 + 5 WRes., Chiffchaff 1 and Water Rail 1.   Teal 19 + 1 CHRes., Shoveler  55 + 13 CHRes..  This evening a Dunlin was present and a Merlin flew south west.
Wintersett Res: A female Stonechat was on the west bank. Cetti's Warbler 1 male, House Martin 1, Goldeneye 1,  Yellow-legged Gull 1 adult,  Mallard 9 + 59 CHRes.and Pochard 37.  12 Grey Partridge were in fields near Santingley Grange.

Female Stonechat                        PMeredith

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