Wednesday 8 October 2014

Wintersett 08.10.14

7°C, cold but bright with 4/8 cloud, then 8/8 and rain by 11.00hrs.  Dry again by 14.00hrs.
Anglers CP Vis Mig:  63 Golden Plover flew SSE.
Going South: A Little Egret flew over the hill at 09.57hrs.  Meadow Pipit 154, Skylark 71, Linnet 61,  Swallow 12, Mistle Thrush 9, Greenfinch 8, Reed Bunting 5, Grey Wagtail 4, Yellowhammer 3,   Kestrel 2 at 10.40hrs, Tree Sparrow 2, Goldfinch 1 and Chaffinch 65 + 2W.
Going West: Starling 8 and Song Thrush 7. 
Anglers CP: Wigeon 336 and  Cormorant 17 
Wintersett Res: A Cetti's Warbler was calling in the SE corner reedbed. Swallow 6,  House Martin 16, Water Rail 1,  Chiffchaff 2 + 1 ACP and Yellow-legged Gull 1.

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