Wednesday 15 October 2014

Wintersett 15.10.14

9°C,  8/8 drizzle with a light south easterly.
Anglers CP Vis Mig: 07.00 - 10.00  We were hoping for a big movement of Redwing after the falls on the east coast yesterday.  Towards the end of the first hour a flock of 200  and then another 20 west, were the only birds moving.  A shower reduced visibility so went to the hide.
Around 09.00 hrs the rain stopped and the sky cleared a little. Redwings started moving west in small groups. Drizzle set in at 09.45 and stopped movement again.  Final total 575 Redwing.
Also: 26 Snipe dropped in to join the 9 already present.   50 Wood Pigeon went south.  30 Starling flew west.

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