Wednesday 22 October 2014

Wintersett 22.10.14

8°C with 3/8 cloud and a very cold WNW breeze. 
Anglers CP Vis Mig: 07.30 - 11.00  
Going south west: There were many Wood Pigeon moving during the first hour after dawn with a total of  6160 by 09.00 hrs and 6300 in total.   Redwing 50.
Going south:  9 Whooper Swan were present at dawn. They left at 09.20hrs and were seen 20 minutes later over Old Moor.   A group of 8 dropped in at 09.30.  They were joined by another 20 at 10.20 and 2 at 11.00.  They formed a flock of 30 which included 2 juveniles.  26 birds flew off at 11.25 and were seen over Old Moor at 11.43hrs.  (I calculated that these birds had an average speed of 29mph.)   Skylark 178,  Stock Dove 6,  Meadow Pipit 14,  alba Wagtail 3,  Jackdaw 53,  Linnet 18 and  Reed Bunting 1.
Going west: Snipe 19,  Fieldfare 2,  Siskin 1,  Lesser Redpoll 1 and Yellowhammer 1.
Also:  Dunlin 1 E,  Cormorant 8 ( 5NW + 3 W) and  Mistle Thrush 4  (1 S + 3 W).
Anglers CP:  Walkers flushed a Jack Snipe from grass very near the watchpoint at 11.17hrs.  It flew towards the Pol.  A female Brambling was at the feeding station in the car park.
Wintersett Res: Cetti's Warbler 1 male.

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