Friday 31 October 2014

Wintersett 31.10.14

15°C - 20°C,  extremely mild with 8/8 cloud and a light south easterly, sunny by mid morning.
Anglers CP Vis Mig: 06.55 - 09.15hrs
A BEWICK'S Swan flew east with 4 WHOOPER Swan
Going south: Fieldfare 785,  Starling 790, Redwing 315,  Golden Plover 64,  Goosander 2 and alba Wagtail  6.
Going west: Stock Dove 14,  Lesser Redpoll 3,  Blackbird 2,  Reed Bunting 1 and Skylark 1.
Anglers CP: Grey Wagtail 1,  Green Woodpecker, Cormorant 44,  Snipe 54 and Goldeneye 2 drakes.

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