Tuesday 21 July 2015

Wintersett 21.07.15

16 -20°C with 8/8 cloud to late morning and a SW breeze, then sunny intervals until late afternoon.
Anglers CP: Common Sandpiper 1,  Grey Wagtail 1,  Common Tern 3 and Sand Martin 130.
Best news today is that an unprecedented second brood of 8 young Tree Sparrows were ringed this morning.  This pair  only produced 1 young from their first brood. Area largest brood prior to this was 7.
Wintersett Res Butterfly counts per Ralph Hibbert and Les Corral.    Small Tortoiseshell 76,  Gatekeeper 40+,  Comma 1 and Peacock 6 at least.  Meadow Brown and Ringlet also evident. 

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