Tuesday 2 February 2016

Old Moor Sofa

99 species have been recorded in the Old Moor Area this year, the full list as follows :- Mute Swan (1), Whooper Swan (2), Pink Footed Goose (3), Grey Lag Goose (4), Canada Goose (5), Egyptian Goose (6), Shelduck (7), Wigeon (8), Gadwall (9), Teal (10), Mallard (11), Pintail (12), Shoveler (13), Pochard (14), Tufted Duck (15), Goldeneye (16), Smew (17), Goosander (18), Red Legged Partridge (19), Grey Partridge (20), Pheasant (21), Cormorant (22), Bittern (23), Little Egret (24), Grey Heron (25), Little Grebe (26), Great Crested Grebe (27), Sparrowhawk (28), Buzzard (29), Kestrel (30), Peregrine (31), Water Rail (32), Moorhen (33), Coot (34), Oystercatcher (35), Golden Plover (36), Lapwing (37), Ringed Plover (38), Ruff (39), Dunlin (40), Green Sandpiper (41), Jack Snipe (42), Snipe (43), Woodcock (44), Black Headed Gull (45), Common Gull (46), LBB Gull (47), Herring Gull (48), Yellow Legged Gull (49), GBB Gull (50), Stock Dove (51), Woodpigeon (52), Collared Dove  (53), Barn Owl (54), Little Owl (55), Tawny Owl (56), Kingfisher (57), Green Woodpecker (58), Great Spotted Woodpecker (59), Magpie (60), Jay (61), Jackdaw (62), Rook (63), Carrion Crow (64), Goldcrest (65), Blue Tit (66), Great Tit (67), Coal Tit (68), Willow Tit (69), Bearded Tit (70), Skylark (71), Cetti's Warbler (72), Long Tailed Tit (73), Nuthatch (74), Treecreeper (75), Wren (76), Starling (77), Blackbird (78), Fieldfare (79), Song Thrush (80), Redwing (81), Mistle Thrush (82), Robin (83), Dunnock (84), House Sparrow (85), Tree Sparrow (86), Grey Wagtail (87), Pied Wagtail (88), Meadow Pipit (89), Chaffinch (90), Brambling (91), Greenfinch (92), Goldfinch (93), Siskin (94), Linnet (95), Lesser Redpoll (96), Bullfinch (97), Yellowhammer (98), Reed Bunting (99).

For comparison in January 2015 the number of species recorded was 97.

8 species have been seen this January but not last - Egyptian Goose, Smew, Oystercatcher, Ruff, Yellow Legged Gull, Bearded Tit, Cetti's Warbler and Siskin.

However 6 species were seen last January but not this - Curlew, Redshank, Mediterranean Gull, Chiffchaff, Blackcap and Stonechat.

We have had a great start to the year especially on the Reedbeds with up to 8 Cetti's Warblers and 4 Bearded Tits, lets hope we have no prolonged cold spell and both species could stay around into the breeding season.

For comparison some other inland sites totals to date are as follows:-

Lound, Nottinghamshire 105.
Swillington Ings, West Yorkshire 109.
Upton Warren, Worcestershire 85.
Potteric Carr, South Yorkshire ??.
Hatfield Moors, South Yorkshire ??.

1 comment:

  1. Apologies, made a couple of errors on last nights blog. Last January Stonechat was recorded and not this. Also Siskin seen this year and not last. I have edited blog to reflect these changes. Apologies again.


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