Friday 10 February 2017

Newmillerdam - 10 February 2017

Looked through a flock of redwing off Wood Lane and picked out eight fieldfare, a new species for the year. A brambling was in the woodland near the East Lodge, a cormorant was perched over the water, and a great crested grebe was on the lake.

Black-headed gull (157), brambling (1), Canada goose (27), coot (24), cormorant (1), fieldfare (8), goldfinch (15), goosander (2f), great crested grebe (1), greenfinch (7), lesser black-backed gull (1), little grebe (1), mallard (179), moorhen (8), mute swan (6), pochard (2), redwing (24), rook (9), starling (13), tufted duck (25), juvenile whooper swan (1).

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