Friday 31 March 2017

Wintersett 31.03.17

9 - 16 degrees with scattered cloud and a southerly breeze.
A good day here with 4 new birds for the year list.
Anglers CP: 2 SANDWICH TERNS  were flying around the shallows, for 10 minutes at 07.15hrs.  The first SWALLOW  flew over this afternoon followed by  a LITTLE  RINGED  PLOVER at 16.05hrs.    5 Sand Martins were flying around the box this morning and 60 were feeding over the lake this afternoon.  The adult Yellow-legged Gull and his Lesser Black-backed Gull mate were on the islands during the morning and flew back in again at 16.35hrs.   A Curlew flew west.  A Little Owl was calling on the west bank. 
Wintersett Res:  2 Red Kites flew over west at 09.20hrs and another flew north over ACP at 17.35hrs.   5 male Cetti's Warblers were singing this morning.  A Willow Tit was singing on the ruin. The first WILLOW WARBLERS were singing:- 3 WRs + 2 ACP. :- 3 around the Res + 2 ACP.  A Treecreeper was singing in the south east corner. 
Chris Swaine took these  great photos of the  Red Kite flying over north. 

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