Thursday 15 June 2017

Carlton Marsh

Busy today so not much time to look. Cuckoo, Coal Tit and Little Grebe were calling while broods of Mallard, Gadwall, Coot, Canada Goose, Greylag and Grey Wagtail were tended by the adults.

Butterflies included 17 Ringlets, male Brimstone, 3 Red Admiral, and 7 Common Blue. Emperor Dragonfly and Banded Demoiselle were on the wing and the first 5 Spot Burnet Moth was also airborne. (Chis Parkin/CG)

Rod Heeley, CG, Keith Bannister, Dave Tattershall and Dave Smith

A Humming-bird Hawk-moth was feeding on Honeysuckle in Geoff Miller's garden this evening and 3 were feeding on Spur Valerian on the railway, near Cudworth Station earlier. (Chris Parkin)


  1. Cliff .Had hummimgbird hawk moth on lavender in back garden Tuesday evening.


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