Saturday 1 July 2017

Wintersett 01.07.17

12 - 14 degrees with scattered cloud and a light westerly.
Anglers CP:  Barn Owl 2 young. Common Tern 5.  Pink-footed Goose 1.  Grey Wagtail 2 + 3 CHRes.,  Wigeon 1 female.  Greylag Goose 57.  Cormorant 2.  Herring Gull 1.  Canada X Greylag Herring Hybrids 4.
Cold HiendleyRes: Oystercatcher 3 over. 
Wintersett Res: Cetti's Warbler 1 singing male.
Ringing Highlights: Chiffchaff 30.  Blackcap 14.  Garden Warbler 4.  Willow Warbler 12.
Odonta: A Four-spotted Chaser and 2 Emperors were seen at ACP
In June we added 1 new birds to the Wintersett  year list, bringing the year to date total to 152.

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