Sunday 15 April 2018

Carlton Marsh

Today's highlights were Short Eared Owl 07.20hrs that left east, the first since May 2013. (k. Bannister).
Later with R. Laverack a Cetti's Warbler that sang from the periphery of the main scrape (near the hide) intermittently all morning, was our 4th record.
3 Redwing frequented the same area with a Redpoll. 9 immature Herring Gulls joined the Black Headed Gulls and 8 Greylags on the wader scrape.
Birds of prey included 2 Buzzards, Peregrine and a pair of Sparrowhawks and a pair of Kestrels displaying.
Green and Great Spotted Woodpeckers, Grey Wagtail and 2 Water Rails were also present.
3 Willow Tits were seen together in the car park (Martin Weir) and we heard one singing near the ringing rides.

Brimstone and Peacock butterfly made an appearance in the brief bit of sunshine around mid-day.

2 Foxes were hunting the wader scrape.

A male Brambling was in Dave Smith's Carlton garden with a male and female Blackcap this morning.

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