Sunday 8 April 2018

Carlton Marsh

This morning a male Wheatear on arable land on the east side of the reserve (Sunny Bank) with 6 Skylarks and 6 Linnets. 2 Buzzards were in the air above the marsh and there are now 5 singing Willow Warblers and 10 singing Chiffchaffs. Also present 2 Great Spot Woodpeckers, Peregrine and Grey Wagtail. (Jim Plant/Richard Laverack).

Richard Laverack
This afternoon a pair of Grey Wagtails with nest material (female with horse hair), Water Rail, 3 Teal, 2 singing Coal Tits and Green Woodpecker,

A Stoat was seen on the disused rail bank and Toads were croaking in the scrape.

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