Sunday 22 April 2018

Langsett/Flouch and The Little Don

A pretty productive jaunt up the Little Don and around Langsett Res. today with the messrs Dixon, Haywood and Linnington. Highlights were 2 reeling Grasshopper Warblers in the cleared area opposite Flouch car park early doors, plus a cracking White Wag in recently tilled soil on the N side of the res. Also of note in the LDV - at least 12 Ring Ouzel, 6 Wheatear, 2 Raven and calling Cuckoo 
At Langset Res - 4 Tufties, at least 12 Common Sandpipers, 2 Little Ringed Plovers, single House Martin over and 25 Linnets. 
A single female Pied Flycatcher in Cliff Wood.

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